I told myself for a while that I would never get a blog. That I didn't want to be this easily accessible to others, but now I just think it is convenient for friends and family to see what I am doing. Let's face it, anyone that knows me knows that I am horrible with staying in touch. This will change that. So here goes...
So today a new president was declared. Barack Obama. The first black president. To be honest, I don't follow politics that much, and I hate when people fight and argue about it. This election I had no strong passion for either candidate. I have found I have little faith in what officials say they are going to do, because when they get in that seat, it changes completely. They see things differently and have a first hand knowledge of different rules and regulations than when they made those promises. I am praying that Obama can change our country around. We have been know as the most powerful country and now that is slipping away from us. Our country needs someone that will unite us and guide us to improve the country and ultimately the world. Good luck Obama, you have your work cut out for you!
Another history making thing for 2008 elections... Proposition 8!!! I am so happy that it was passed. I struggled with the idea of taking away someones right to get married to the one they love. Although the proposition does not take away any rights, the sealing factor and knowledge that you are MARRIED to someone is a huge deal. I never want to take away someone's agency, but when it interferes with the church with such magnitude as this, I had to. The effects it would have on the church were monumental. Once I decided to follow the prophet, I never feared that it wouldn't pass. Heavenly Father would never let something so negative happen that would set the church back. It is the true gospel and nothing will keep it from growing and completing its tasks. I am grateful to know that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I respect others opinions.
On a lighter note... YAYYY for Lance Lance! The Fall Collection was performed tonight with one of his own compositions. Although he will say he didn't like it and it was not good, I totally disagree. It amazes me to see other people talents. I would never be able to compose a piece of music for an ensemble and have it all work together and to have the vision and ability to reach the end result. I played music all growing up and in my mind the music I played was only created by old guys that lived many years ago, man was I wrong. So way to go lance, thanks for opening my eyes.
2 years ago
Blogs are awesome. I told myself as well, once upon a time, that I would never blog. But it is so much fun. I'm so glad you got one!
I don't know if I already gave this to you, but here is the blog that gives you all the directions. It's really helpful.
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