Friday, November 21, 2008


Ok so don't judge me, but I went and saw Twilight at midnight. I had no desire to see the movie. I only went because Nicki asked me and it was a reason for me to hang out with her and Nate refused to go! But I have to admit, it was AMAZING! And when I say amazing, I mean I can't wait to go see it again. I am not in to vampires and such. One time I went to see Chocolate, a vampire movie and it was horrible, so I was not too excited about this one. But I have to give to the author, way to go. I have not read the books so there was no disappointment for me. I am excited to start reading the books. Ugh. I can't stop thinking how good it was. And you better believe I am seeing it again, and soon!
While waiting for the movie to start, a couple got engaged. The guy called for everyone's attention and called someone to come down. I said that it would be funny if proposed, then they looked at each other and he got down on one knee. CALLED IT! ha it was kind of cute. I would NEVER want to get proposed to in front of anyone. I want it to be a personal, intimate time with my future husband. But hey, everyone is different. So way to go them!
Another great thing happened today. I got to have lunch with a friend from home that goes to the U. It was so great to see her. I miss her and am so happy that we are able to stay in touch. We got caught up with girl time and just talked about life and changes and not knowing what we are doing with our lives when we graduate. It is weird to think that soon I am not going to be in school anymore and have to get a big girl job! AHH! I'm not ready for that!
Dinner and a double feature tonight with Beth... High School Musical 3 and James Bond. Two opposites but i am excited for both. I heard Bond is not that good compared to Casino Royale. But I hope it is still good!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the twilight input! I haven't read the book myself, but my niece did. Jared and I are taking her to see it sometime next week ; ) Glad you liked it!

Pierce and Stacy said...

I saw it. I loved it. I want to go again. Want to come?!