Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A unlucky 11.11

Whoever said 11.11 was lucky, is not my friend! About 2 weeks ago my foot started to hurt. It was just below my toes, where the toe bones join together, that bruising and swelling began. It hurt to walk. My roommates finally got me thinking into going to see a doctor. I normally just wait it out and if it gets really really worse, then I will see a doctor. But I know how long it can take for swelling and bruising in feet to go down. I want to start training for a half-marathon and in order to do that I need my foot to get better. Well I went to the podiatrist today and he took an x-ray of my foot and the verdict... a stress fracture in my second toe. There is not much that can be done other than waiting it out and stabilizing it. I do not mind the waiting it out its the stabilizing that I do not like. Want to know why... because I have to wear this for 3 weeks :( I guess I can't say I have never had a real injury now. The worst until now has just been a silly sprain.
The ironic part of the day was I went to return some shirts and buy different ones, and I bought new shoes. I can only half enjoy them. But my thought process is that I have to make the left foot look nice to compensate for the big block on my right.
And here are my new shoes... :) They are so comfy and warm. I cannot wait to wear them! On my way home I had to stop and get Ibuprofen and an ace bandage to wrap my foot. Well, I was feeling a little down, angry and sad about my foot. I needed something to lift up my spirits. Rite Aid has all their christmas candy up and I walked through and found my FAVORITE. Chocolate cherries. Well anything chocolate with a red fruit (strawberry, raspberry and cherry) I love. But really, i really love cordial cherries!

All in all i guess it was not an absolutely horrible day, but it was not at the top of the list.
But today I was very productive, but not in my school work. I went to the doctors, did a little shopping, got my oil changed, cleaned my room (it was much needed. I can not study in my room if it is messy, so I had to clean it) and I did laundry. I guess eventually tonight I will have to start my homework for real!!!


Pierce and Stacy said...

Oh my goodness, THAT'S HORRIBLE! You should've called me. That makes me so sad that you went and got medicine without me. I'm so sorry.

P.S. Nice shoes. Where'd you get them? Pac or Buckle? haha.

Let me know what I can do.

Tina said...

This isn't your first real injury you know. Your forgetting about when you burned your hand as a child.

You were originally a righty and that's how you became a lefty.