Friday, February 6, 2009

So Grateful

This week at work we have a group called "Ski for Light" and many of them are blind, disabled and some are even blind and deaf. I cannot begin to tell you how eye opening this week has been for me. No matter how stressed, angry, sad, depressed or anything other not happy emotion, I still have all 5 of my basic senses. But even with there disadvantages, on the whole they are some of the nicest people I have met. You can imagine how they can be bitter towards life, but they are not. They embrace it, they GO SKIING!!!! I don't even do that! It is wonderful to see the strengths that some people have.

On another note, I can't wait for them to leave. I work tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow night till 11 and then Sunday morning at 3AM!!! AHHH its crazy. But all in all it is wonderful.

I am grateful for seeing so many sights... these are two of my favorites... Sunset, Number 1 time!!!!!

Lightning Storms, Utah does not have them, but Maryland, oh so wonderful!

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