Sunday, November 1, 2009


I found out on Friday that I got accepted to teach english in Taiwan! I will leave the last week of December and will be gone for 6 months. But who knows, maybe I will like it and stay for a full year. There is nothing holding me back, so I am going to take advantage and live my life the way I want to. And maybe learn Mandarin while I am there.

I will be teaching Changhua, Taiwan. What is in Changhua you ask?

A huge Buddha statue


Abigail said...

Oh how exciting! Congratulations!!!

Christine Frandsen said...

yay! I'm glad you finally found out. That sounds like such a fun adventure. Maybe I'll let Paul go to study bugs in Oklahoma/North Carolina/Tennessee/Cali/New Jersey/Maryland or wherever he goes, and I'll just join you!

Anonymous said...

GOODLUCK Susan!!!! we are sooo excited for you and your newest adventure!!

corinneandmatt said...

Susan! I am so excited for you!!! What a great experience!!!! P.S. Matt and I moved back to Provo this past week so we need to hang out!

Pierce and Stacy said...

YAY, FINALLY! Congrats! I will miss you oh so much though. Maybe you should just live with us for the next two months until you leave. :)