Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Love life

There are times that I take for granted the amazingness that I have in my life. And then there are times when I am humbled to remember why I am here. 

The end of semester is time for teachers and TA's to get their last word in. Normally it is advice for our futures within the realm of the subject they teach. But at BYU it is so much more. Not only do I get the advice from concerned mentors, advice learned through their mistakes or observations, but we get counsel on topics such as humanitarian aid, service, love, the Gospel. Two specific times this week have I learned of the importance of the individual in the overall plan of this life. The need to give to others. "To comfort those who stand in need of comfort." Stewards over the land, and our brothers and sisters. 

It is times like these that I am grateful to be at BYU. To appreciate all that is given to me; the knowledge, the love, the companionship and most importantly the Spirit. Never have I been happy for snow in April. It covers the mountains, my car, the grass, everything. But after my test review, and after the words of my TA expressing her belief in the need to help one another, I can not deny that something as beautiful as the mountains covered in snow can be horrible. Yes, I like the warm more, but I get to appreciate all that my Heavenly Father has created. 

In that moment, I knew without a doubt, that everything will be ok. Finals will come and go like they always do. I will stress, I will study, I will pass. Maybe not quite as well as I wanted, but it won't kill me. Life will go on. My life is so uncertain with each passing minute that it worries me. What will I be doing this summer? Next fall? In December when I graduate? All uncertain and open to anything and everything. But none of that matters. I know why I am here. I know who I am and who I want to be, though not completely the same at this moment. Things will be ok. NO, they will be great! They will be exactly how they are suppose to be and it will be amazing. Because I know where I am ultimately going. 

More importantly, I know there are others that are in greater need than me. People in third world countries that live off of a dollar a day, people struggling with internal problems, medical problems. There are so many that make my problems seems miniscule. There will always be a reason to put off service or help. But there will not always be enough time to say "I'll do it tomorrow." Do it now. Just do it. 

It is times like these, that I mentally bow down and thank everyone that has helped me. My family, my friends, my teachers, strangers that influence me. I thank every one of you. 

Sorry, I don't normally go on such a rant, but I felt strongly about this right now and had to express it. 

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I'll miss you! Thank goodness for blogs :)