Friday, January 16, 2009


I can't believe that I haven't posted anything in a month! Ahhh I am horrible at keeping up with things. 

So school has started again. Classes are a doozy, like always. I am working with Operation Kids for my 421 class. They are an awesome organization that finds charities that deal with children and steer donations towards them. They work with organizations or clients that are looking to donate and they find charities are putting the money donated to good use. I am excited but definitely nervous. I actually feel like a PR major this semester, instead of a print journalism. 

A big change... I dyed my hair brunette. Pictures to come, as soon as I take some of my new hair. I love it! Its a change, but I think a good one. 

My best christmas present...

I got a MacBook! One of the new ones. It is so amazing and nice! 


Pierce and Stacy said...

Welcome back. (I'm at my neighbors, don't worry, I wasn't lying to you... my internet STILL doesn't work.) I'm glad you keep blogging, makes me happy!

corinneandmatt said...

Its about time you got a new computer! I am so excited for you!