Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fun Times

I got a phone call earlier today from Nicki saying she needed my help. She was helping another friend with a photography assignment for class. He was taking bridals in a studio and she was to be the bride. She said "you know I can't zip the dress up by myself!" So naturally I went with her. We got there about an hour late, and didn't start for another 45 min. after that. But it was so funny to watch because they were totally posed! I hate posed photos. They both said how much it was not there style, but he had to do it according to the assignment. There were times that I just laughed because, and Nicki I love you, but she is not good at serious faces! And some of the serious ones she half looked tough and half crazy! But she was gorgeous, like always! And total feat... She fit in her wedding dress!!!! Not many brides can say that after 6 months! YAY! 

Here's us on her wedding day. Love you Nicki!


Christine Frandsen said...

guess what.
i totally tried on my wedding dress the other day (6month anniversary day). and it fit :)
just had to brag...
haha jk.
I like the yellow color of your blog

Abigail said...

Susan! i found you through Stacy's I can know something about your real life when the only thing we have time to talk about is PR...

Pierce and Stacy said...

I DID read your post and I THOUGHT I commented, but I didn't sorry. That is a really cute picture of you and your friend.

I for one, am not going to try on my wedding dress...
1. because it is in Texas
2. because I'm scared of the outcome
... and that's it.

Nicklepickle said...

Too bad I JUST read this post!! HAHA! Gotta love photo shoots! (Oh wait... I hate getting my picture taken! Thanks again for coming with me! Love you girl!

Nicklepickle said...

Oh and PS let's not forget how I almost did NOT fit in my wedding dress. A little pulling and taking off layers... Hmmm I wouldn't call that fitting.. Oh and the no breathing part while it was zipped up... Dr Pepper has to go...